Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gay Paris

Oh Paris how I love you so.

What an absolutely brilliant city! And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t generally like big cities. Campbell and I spent three fabulous, fun days in the Paris sun and I can honestly say it was not nearly enough. We arrived very early (especially by Parisian standards) Saturday morning, a little worse for wear after a mostly sleepless night on the bus (never again), but thankfully had no trouble negotiating the metro to our hotel. We immediately changed into shorts and thongs (did I mention it was gloriously hot) and headed out for the most welcome breakfast I’ve had in a long time. Perfectly brewed café au lait, freshly squeezed orange juice, a hot golden croissant, and a crusty white baguette with home made butter and strawberry jam. Simply delicious and oh so French. And we devoured all this in beautiful sunshine while partaking in the French people’s favourite pastime – people watching. In fact, this was to be our morning ritual for the rest of the weekend - though we switched from the café to the snack bar version after we saw the bill. And if you’re wondering how it is that French chicky babes stay so thin with all this buttery goodness in their lives (I certainly did), well, I’ll tell you; they smoke like chimneys. In fact, on occasion it felt like everyone in Paris was puffing on a cigarette. But that, and the minimal number of gardens or parks in the city are the only negative things I will say about Paris. Everything else rocks.

read the resto of this story here:

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