Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Blue Danube

So after another long hiatus, it’s back to the blogosphere for me. And seeing as there’s probably quite a lot to catch up on, I think I’ll start with the latest goings on and then work backwards.

Which means that first off is Vienna, which is where Campbell and I recently returned after spending an awesome long weekend with Beth, Rusby and Dave. We arrived Wednesday evening, found our hostel without too much trouble and then headed out to the pub across the road to catch up with Dave. The pub, Kanguru (I think it’s meant to be ironic…people confuse Austria with Australia – no! – and so Austrians think it’s funny to name their pubs after antipodean marsupials and wear Tshirts that say “no kangaroos in Austria” …go figure?!) proved a great place to hear all Dave’s tales of crazy weird dog people that he’d met at the Canine Research Conference (possibly even weirder than the bird nerds I’d met a few weeks ago…a 3day conference just about little birds that nest in holes - yes amazing but true). It was also a great place for a beer – with something like a hundred to choose from! Indeed if you like your beer and coffee you’ll like Vienna.

read the rest of this story here:


  1. Wow Shell. I had no idea that your Grandmother was from Vienna. You will have to tell me all about her life when we catch up again. I am sure she would have been very pleased that you went there. Gosh I love reading your blog! Tell Cam that he is becoming waaaaay too European... that comment about the tracksuit was priceless! Sounds like you guys are having an adventure of a lifetime! Much love Em xoxox

  2. Loving the blog/ remember though, all street artists started their careers by tagging// you go to start somewhere..

  3. Sherrrry and Camberu! Have just been sucked into the vortex known as The Blue Tit Blog, and have only pulled myself out after about an hour! Awesome photos and wonderous blogging. I think I may have actually smelt croissants, seen some dork in a green tracky and heard strains of Strauss at one stage... The most depressing thing about all this is that I've climbed out of Vienna and landed back in frikkin' LISMORE! Pah ha ha
    Love you guys! XX
