Wednesday, November 10, 2010

weather, pumpkins, and stuff

Einstein once described his theory of relativity as this “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity”. Let me add my description of relativity … “The extra hour of sleep you get when you turn back your clocks at the end of daylight savings, feels like an hour. The hour of daylight you lose at the end of the day, feels like despair”. Ok so that’s not exactly relativity but with sun now setting at 4.30pm and getting rapidly earlier every day, I think I’m entitled to a little whinge (after all I am in England). Particularly, as abundant sunlight is not exactly a feature of most of the remaining daylight hours. But to be fair, although it is definitely cold now, it hasn’t gotten really stupidly cold yet, though I’m sure that’s yet to come. However, seeing as every single building you walk into is heated, even the depths of winter probably won’t feel as cold as Tassie did, though ask me again in two months time. And at least for another week or so there are still all the beautiful autumn colours to distract from the air temperature. Oxford is truly a gorgeous sight at the moment. Every morning as I ride into work the leaves are a more brilliant shade of orange, and every day the carpet of red, orange, and yellow leaves grows under my pedalling feet. Throw in a little morning fog to shroud the old spires and gargoyles in a silent mist, and it really is a picture perfect scene.

read the rest of this story here:

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