Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Chismukka and all that!

Hey folksies, this is not going to be a big post this time, but just a quickie to send a big merry festive period happy holiday virtual hug to everyone. The year is drawing to an end and the silly season is definitely upon us. One of the silliest things I saw this season was the rabbi of Oxford climb into a massive cherry picker to light the 3 metre tall very home-made slightly dodgy looking Hanukkia in the middle of Oxford. Only the fact that he was lighting in front of one of the most beautiful and ancient buildings in Oxford adorned with gargoyles and spires, on a stunning clear starry night lent the evening a touch of grace. Still the crowd was quite impressive for a small English town, even though there was a distinct American twang to most of their accents.
Anyway whatever you do this Chrismukka, wherever you are, whether yours is a white Christmas (like ours will be, check out our awesome snow piccies, so much fun!),a wet Christmas, a warm one or a wild one (I still have very fond memories of last years Fredders food, music, ping pong and cocktail Xmas extravaganza) make sure its a wonderful one filled with good people, great food, and plenty of golden moments.

Love you all

Shelly xx

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